Why You Should Date a Kinky Person at Least Once

There are two types of people in the world. The first type instinctively feels apprehensive when someone brings up the fact that they have a kink or a fetish. The second type truly believes that “anything goes” and is usually willing to try just about anything on for size once just to see what it’s like. Of course, no one should ever feel pressured to do something they’re truly uncomfortable with, but there’s definitely something to be said for being open-minded when it comes to kink. The following are just a few ways giving in to your curiosity about what it’s like to date a kinkster can be truly awesome.

It’s genuinely liberating.

It goes without saying that living life as part of polite society comes with its fair share of rules and regulations you need to follow. However, always following the rules and doing only what others have decided is socially acceptable can get tiresome after a while. Thankfully, the bedroom is one place where consenting adults can more or less do whatever they like.

Bringing someone with a fetish or kink into the mix can make things even more delicious in a couple of ways. To begin with, it’s incredibly erotic to know you’re seeing a part of this person that not everyone necessarily knows is there. You also officially have the green light to discover an entirely new side of your own sexual self as well.

You might see yourself in an entirely new light.

Exploring another person’s kink with them can be a truly interesting way to open yourself up to new sexual horizons, especially if you’re dating such a person for the first time. You never know what you might come to really like if you give it a try. (Even if it turns out not to be your cup of tea, you still get to say you tried it.)

The right fetish or turn-on might even allow you to see yourself in an entirely new light. For instance, maybe you’re totally self-conscious about a particular part of your body. Dating someone who’s particularly fond of that part to the point of wanting to worship it just might teach you a new way to see it. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

It’s intimacy on an entirely new level.

If you’re the adventurous sort, dating someone with a fetish (especially for the first time) can be seriously exciting. Seeing your lover so turned on over something so new to you is likely to be incredibly sexy. If the two of you decide you like each other enough to keep seeing each other, you’ll love how deep your bond becomes as well, especially over time.

People with kinks and fetishes don’t necessarily tell anyone and everyone about them. They likely don’t even open up to every sexual partner they have. If they’ve opened up to you and asked you to share this with them, it’s a sign that they trust you and are comfortable enough to let them see an incredibly vulnerable side of who they are. That type of connection can potentially lay the groundwork for something very special and potentially life-changing.

You’ll love how accepted you feel.

Even the most confident people tend to worry about being 100 percent accepted for everything that they are when entering into a new relationship or getting used to a new sexual partner. People who have fetishes or who are otherwise a little on the kinky side are more than used to how it feels to be rejected or judged simply for being who they are, so they’re a lot less likely to do it to someone else.

That said, you’re likely to find out what it’s like to be able to be completely yourself in a sexual relationship. A kinky partner isn’t going to be the type who has issues with your massive collection of giant dildos. They’re also infinitely less likely to not want to go along with it if there’s something you’ve always wanted to try in the bedroom. In fact, they’ll probably be pretty eager to hear all about it.

The sex will never be boring.

Kinksters have a way of not falling into the same sexual ruts that can plague other people. These are people that see sex as the fine art that it can be, and most are endlessly enthusiastic about it for that reason. If you’re game, you could well be embarking on a truly exciting journey that takes both of you to interesting new places you never imagined were possible.

At the end of the day, kinks and fetishes are nothing to be ashamed of or intimidated by. They’re simply different ways of exploring one’s sexuality and identity as a sexual being. Why not explore the possibilities?