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How to Have Skype Sex Like an Absolute Pro
No one wants to spend much time physically apart from their significant other, but sometimes it’s just plain necessary. Demanding careers sometimes mean lengthy business trips to get through. Serious relationships that initially get started online mean figuring out how to stay connected despite the distance.
It can be challenging to say the least, but thankfully we’ve got modern technology going for us. Sexting and phone sex are great places to start, but there’s nothing like a really smoking Skype sex session to make the two of you feel connected. Here’s how you can make sure your Skype game is totally up to snuff.
Double Check the Technical Stuff
While there’s definitely only so much you can do to stop your wi-fi connection from going on the fritz or anything similar, it’s still a good idea to be prepared. Nothing sours a really electric mood more quickly than a patchy internet connection or a laptop that’s decided to go rogue all of a sudden.
Do a little damage control in advance to make sure everything goes as well as possible. Make sure critical wires are in their proper places. Reboot your computer if it’s been a while. Double check your settings to make sure they’re the way you want them when it’s go time. If you’re planning on using a toy at any point, make sure it’s freshly charged and ready to rock.
Set the Right Mood
Put a little thought into your location and think about how the décor and lighting will look on camera. Consider adding some special touches to help set the mood for both of you. Think soft, luxurious bedding and colorful scented candles that will not only look great on camera to your partner, but feel great to you from a sensual standpoint.
Don’t forget to put some thought into what you’ll be wearing as well. If there’s something specific your partner really loves seeing you in, consider putting it on underneath your clothes that day and surprising them with it during a sultry striptease. Alternatively, you can buy something new and especially sexy if you like.
Combine Dirty Talk with Sexy Visuals
If you’re comfortable with phone sex and sexting, then you’ve probably got your dirty talk game down, right? Well, that’s definitely an essential part of the mix, but the beauty of Skype sex is that you get to actually get to see each other enjoy the whole process. Make sure you use that to your advantage.
Start by telling your partner in detail what you’d like to do to them, as well as what you’d want them to do to you if they were there with you. Make eye contact as you talk about it in detail to amplify the effect. Slowly strip if you like or let your partner tell you what they’d like to see.
Once things start to really get going, feel free to bring your favorite toys into the action. Not only will that make the whole experience more stimulating and satisfying for you, but there’s literally nothing that will look hotter from where your partner’s sitting. Make sure you position yourself so that they have an excellent view of the action.
Relax and Let Go
If you’ve never had Skype sex before, it can definitely feel a little odd at first. After all, you’re basically putting on a live porn show for your partner, but don’t let it make you nervous. Instead, focus on how utterly hot that actually is, and don’t be afraid to really get lost in the moment. Moan and be vocal. Make eye contact with your partner. Let them enjoy watching you as you enjoy yourself, but don’t forget to soak up the sizzling sight of their enjoyment as well.
Skype sex is a wonderful opportunity to explore a sexier, wilder side of yourself and of your relationship with your partner. Don’t be afraid to get a little creative. If it sounds sexy and you know your partner would love to see it happen on camera, don’t be afraid to go for it.
Don’t Forget to Have Fun
Last but definitely not least, it’s important to keep in mind that Skype sex isn’t just supposed to be naughty and satisfying. It’s also supposed to be fun, so definitely don’t take it (or your performance) too seriously. If something doesn’t go as planned or things happen to drift into awkward territory, it’s OK. Just laugh it off together and continue, just as you would if you were in the same room getting it on the old-fashioned way.
At the end of the day, technology has really made life more interesting in many ways, and this is definitely one of them. Don’t be afraid to embrace it and get excited about it for everything that it is!