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A Definitive Guide on How to Clean a Vibrator
Cleaning a vibrator doesn’t have to be a complicated task. A vibrator comes in direct contact with your bodily fluids, so it is crucial to clean them properly to avoid infections. Utilizing one of these tips on cleaning a vibrator can help avoid consequences such as bacteria buildup and contracting an STI.
You can adequately clean nearly any type of sex toy with the help of soap and water. Read on for a guide on how to clean a vibrator and general disinfecting information for sex toys.
Things You Can Use to Clean a Vibrator
- Paper towels or washcloths to air dry the toys post-cleaning
- Water and liquid hand soap (avoid using anything harsh, such as dishwashing soaps)
- A pan of boiling water when you are in the mood to disinfect and deep clean a toy or toy (make sure to check your user manual to determine if it is safe to use this method)
- Toy cleaner
Set Aside Time for Cleaning Sex Toys
The time required to clean will vary based on the number of toys. If you are doing surface cleaning, it can usually take one to three minutes per toy (not including air drying). If your toy allows for boiling and you are in more of a deep cleaning mode, boiling can take another 3 to 5 minutes for complete disinfection.
How to Clean a Vibrator
Based on which level of cleaning you are in the mood to do, you can pick one of the following methods to clean your vibrator. You must check your toy’s manual for specific cleaning instructions. How you clean an aluminum vibrating bullet will vary significantly from a silicone dildo.
Basic Cleaning
You can go with a thorough scrub if you want a quick cleanup. This technique will not disinfect your toys. It is usually sufficient if you don’t share your toys with anyone else. Before starting, always determine the water safety rating for your vibrator. If it is waterproof, you can rinse it under water. You can clean the surface with water without totally submerging it in a sink or bowl if it’s splashproof. Just wipe it down with a washcloth or vet paper towel. Avoid rinsing it. If your vibrator has batteries, make sure to remove them before cleaning.
According to the settings, wipe down the toy with a paper towel or washcloth. Then use liquid soap and scrub thoroughly. Wash or wipe away the toy once done. Using a toothbrush is very helpful for cleaning out grooves or crevices. Once cleaned, allow it to air dry.
Disinfecting or Sanitizing
There are times when your vibrator will need more than a simple cleanse. This means you need to disinfect the toy, which is especially crucial when you are sharing a toy with someone. When your vibrator comes in contact with your genitals, it can interact with possible yeast and bacterial infections and sexually transmitted infections. A study done in 2014 indicated that HPV can be detected on the vibrator’s surface for up to 24 hours, even after basic surface cleaning. Hence, it is crucial to deep clean your toys, especially when you are sharing them. Deep cleaning also kills pathogens and prevents fungal infections and virus transmission.
Toy Cleaner
Sex toy cleaner is often overlooked or thought of as a luxury. In actuality, sex toy cleaners can be a very safe and affordable option for a toy cleaner. They are designed to be safe for the skin and are frequently alcohol and perfume free, antibacterial, deodorizing, disinfecting, and sanitizing. Many of them are designed for sensitive skin and use all-natural ingredients. Consider buying a foaming toy cleaner to bring your toy in the shower while you lather. Check the manual before doing this, and don’t use it on your skin.
If you want 100% satisfaction, you can go ahead with boiling your silicone, stainless steel, and glass toys once thoroughly cleaned. However, make sure to check the instructions on your vibrator before you put it in boiling water. Always place a washcloth at the bottom of the pot you intend to put boiling water in, and keep your toys inside for a minimum of three minutes. Carefully monitor the process, and don’t leave the toys unattended. Remove the vibrator from the water with the help of a tong and let it air dry. Avoid rinsing with cold water immediately after boiling them as it can cause damage due to stress caused to the material.
Storage After Cleaning
Knowing how to store the vibrator properly in a clean space is equally as important as knowing how to clean a vibrator. Cleaning your toy and placing it in a dirty spot never works. All your hard work will go to waste. You can use airtight plastic bags to store them. Make sure that the bags are clean. We don’t recommend sharing your sex toys. If you are sharing them, take all the precautions and disinfect them properly.
We hope you found this post informative and helpful! We tried to explain everything in detail. If you still need clarification on how to clean a vibrator, contact us for cleaning tips specific to your product, or read your toy’s manual.